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Bồn rửa mắt Haws 7260B
Tên sản phẩm Bồn rửa mắt Haws 7260B
Mã sản phẩm Haws 7260B
Giá Liên hệ
Trạng thái Có hàng
Mô tả sản phẩm

Model 7260B wall mounted eye and face wash features the medically acclaimed AXION MSR™ eye/face wash head assembly (patent pending). This revolutionary inverted flow design is the only product on the market that provides a Medically Superior Response consistent with all EMT, emergency room and doctors’ office protocols by sweeping contaminants away from the vulnerable nasal cavity. Traditional eyewashes irrigate from the outside edge of the eye back toward the nose, where contaminants can then be flushed into the nasal cavity through the lacrimal punctum, nature’s ocular cavity drain.

  • AXION MSR™ eyewash head is antimicrobially treated using the natural protection of silver which helps protect against the growth of mold and mildew on the treated components
  • Eyewash streams provide zero vertical velocity stream engineering with even laminar flow for enhanced comfort, stability and effectiveness
  • Features a round 11" green ABS plastic receptor and aluminum wall bracket for long life
  • Includes a mesh in-line strainer to collect line debris, and ball valve with stainless steel ball and stem for durability
  • Supply: 1/2" IPS. Waste: 1- 1/4" IPS

Model 7260B is certified by CSA to meet the ANSI Z358.1-2009 Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment.

Sản phẩm cùng loại

Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
  • Zalo
    Mobile: 0938.611.858
  • Ms.Ngoc
    Mobile: 028.22449.774
Tỉ giá ngoại tệ
Mua Bán
AUD 15,322.69 15,989.64
CAD 16,840.96 17,573.99
CHF 24,890.64 25,974.04
CNY 3,346.46 3,492.65
DKK - 3,488.53
EUR 24,818.41 26,230.38
GBP 28,233.12 29,462.01
HKD 2,916.43 3,043.37
INR - 296.78
JPY 174.14 184.51
KRW 15.65 19.09
KWD - 79,632.33
MYR - 5,410.35
NOK - 2,319.74
RUB - 323.56
SAR - 6,493.24
SEK - 2,320.27
SGD 17,248.28 17,999.04
THB 606.71 700.62
USD 23,290.00 23,660.00
Cập nhật: 10:39:11 AM 3/29/2023
Đơn vị tính: đồng/ngoại tệ
Nguồn Vietcombank
Giá vàng
Mua Bán
Vàng SJC 1L - 10L 56,200 56,700
Vàng nhẫn SJC 99,99 1 chỉ, 2 chỉ, 5 chỉ 53,870 54,370
Vàng nhẫn SJC 99,99 0,5 chỉ 53,870 54,470
Vàng nữ trang 99,99% 53,370 54,070
Vàng nữ trang 99% 52,535 53,535
Vàng nữ trang 75% 38,707 40,707
Vàng nữ trang 58,3% 29,676 31,676
Vàng nữ trang 41,7% 20,699 22,699
Cập nhật: 04:42:34 PM 03/11/2020
Đơn vị tính: ngàn đồng/lượng
Nguồn SJC
Quảng cáo

Email thietbiantoanvn@gmail.com - Hotline - 028.22.449.774


Địa chỉ : 36 Chữ Đồng Tử , Phường 7 , Quận Tân Bình
Điện thoại : 028.22.449.774 - 0938.611.858   -  Fax : 028.22.449.775
Email : thietbiantoanvn@gmail.com  -  Website : thietbiantoanvn.com
Thiết kế bởi:  Bestweb.vn